On Sun, 27 Feb 2005, Ms Katie Kelly wrote:
> It's interesting to me that there's a perception that
> PRO should cater to autocrossers. I don't know if it
> should or shouldn't but it looks to me like it's being
> marketed to an audience possibly outside of autocross,
> like readers of Car & Driver magazine, for example. I
> don't know this for a fact, but the completely
> different car classing system is a clue.
Maybe they figured out that Car and Driver probably sells about 100x
more magazines per month than the SCCA has members, much less
autocrossers. Since the SCCA isn't putting forth ANY significant effort
to recruit new members from this absolutely huge demographic, it's good
to see that at least someone is. There are a ton of car enthusiasts out
there who want to go play somewhere who have no clue autox exists.
I think the key to marketing this group is to advertise the fun without
intimidatng them at the same time. Drifting draws many more spectators
than drivers. Spectating doesn't run the risk of embarrassment by
DNF-ing. Most folks fear for their ego, and their car's well being.
Abolish those fears at the first point of contact with the potential
consumer, and you can tap into a huge market.
Randy N
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