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RE: [evolution-disc.] annual tech and online rules?

To: "'David W. James'" <>,
Subject: RE: [evolution-disc.] annual tech and online rules?
From: "Eric Salem" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 15:27:41 -0600
Citation please?  I have never heard this before in any other forum (and I
deal with a number of not-for-profit groups.)

Not to mention that your comment is absurd on its face; are charities going
to find their non-profit tax status in jeopardy because their income comes
from 'non-members'??

Cite it or retract it.

I'm sure you can just ask your non-profit's CPA. It happened to the local
Porsche Club, I was on that board when it happened. My wife who consults to
non-profits for a living says it's a common problem in participatory

The way it was explained to our P-car region was that you can't get too much
revenue out of non-members and you can't charge non-members a 'significantly
different fee' to participate.

'cite it or retract it' what is this a reasonable discussion turned into a
pissing contest? Why ask Eric the Southern to go searching though the tax
code. Do it yourself and prove him, myself, Gregg & Mark (?) all wrong.

Besides in some regions, being members-only is a pretty good idea beyond the
tax issues.

The Other Eric

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