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Re: Warranty Woes

To: "Ken Adamson" <>, "'autox'" <>
Subject: Re: Warranty Woes
From: "Robert Fulton" <>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2004 21:59:10 -0700
From: "Ken Adamson" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 2004 2:12 PM

> Of course, you can also simply assume responsibility for your own
> If you race, and you break your car - that's *your* problem...

I agree.
While it is arguable that some of these warranty repairs were not brought on
by racing in atocross, I think that the wide range of autox preparation and
modification and downright abuse of drivetrain components requires that
manufacturers protect themselves.
I do think it is reasonable to expect a stock drivetrain (and suspension) to
withstand autocrossing, but I know that I can buy a "tool" which will
effectively disable my rev limiter and thus defeat the protection the
manufacturer put into the engine management system.
I also know that racing tires will put much more force/stress into the
suspension than will street tires.
I know, too, that it seems unfair that a person can take a car to a track
day event and beat the crap out of it, and not be subject to the
manufacturer finding his/her name on the web as a competitor, but that's
Racing is not warranteed.

Just my two cents' worth

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