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Wiring help on '94 Ford E350

To: "Solo2atlanta" <>,
Subject: Wiring help on '94 Ford E350
From: "Dave Hardy" <>
Date: Sat, 8 May 2004 19:38:54 -0400
The last time I towed I had a blowout on the trailer.  Being the optimist
that I am, I didn't have a spare for the trailer.  No problem - It's a
tandem axle trailer, so I take off the blown tire and the opposite one,
re-adjust the car to fix the tongue weight, and proceed on my way.  This
worked fine and got me home.  What I didn't realize was that it was also
crushing the wiring between the bottom of the frame and the center leaf
pivot.  Oops.

So today I go to fix the wiring.  Get it all fixed up and the lights still
don't work.  Start checking for fuses, and sure enough one was blown.
Replace it, and most of the problem goes away, but not all of it.  I've got
brakes and turn signals on the trailer, but not running lights.  Pull out
the multi-meter and start checking and I'm not getting any power in the
running light circuit at the bumper plug at the back of the van.  Go back
and check at the fusebox though, and the fuse is fine and does have power.
So, the battery is good, the switch is working, the fuse is good, power is
leaving the fuse box, but getting lost somewhere on the way to the bumper
plug.  Any ideas?  Obviously a broken wire would do it, but that doesn't
generally happen spontaneously.  Are there any circuit breakers that I don't
know about?  Help!

Dave "I hate wiring" Hardy
89 SM
DILYSI Motorsports - Drive It Like You Stole It!

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