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Re: P.S. and N.T. Fees Go Up

Subject: Re: P.S. and N.T. Fees Go Up
From: Matt Murray <>
Date: Fri, 07 May 2004 14:42:13 -0400
Yes, very correct. But, that being said, we are a "community" of sorts, and 
it would have been nice to see either individual or a token contribution. 
And let me make this clear, if someone could not or decided not to 
contribute, I don't have a problem with that. We all make our individual 
choices. But could it have hurt to send........?

At 08:41 AM 5/7/2004, Eric Linnhoff wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
> > Firmly plant tongue in cheek...
> > The reason the fees went up is to help pay for the cars wrecked by a
> > SCCA official at Nationals last year.
>I know I'm gonna regret stirring this pot back up, but what the hay.  I _am_
>that guy.  ;^)
>I was under the impression that the parties involved in that incident were
>to work out the reparations between themselves with no monies used from the
>HQ coffers.  If this is incorrect, please correct me.
>Eric Linnhoff

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