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Re: Test Drives

Subject: Re: Test Drives
From: Gene Bennett <>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 17:19:23 -0800
During a test drive, I had a salesman actually direct me to a road he
said was "fun". He actually told me that I could drive it, shall we say,
"briskly". I didn't know that he didn't have his seat belt on, and he
didn't know that I lived on that road...

This is him:  =8-O

Suffice it to say that when I stopped at the stop sign and he got his
breath back, he asked if we could just drive s-l-o-w-l-y back to the
dealership. I obliged him, but with a big grin on my face.

When I test drove an SVT Contour the salesgirl (couldn't have been more 
than 20) wondered why I looked closely at the tires beforehand - and 
one was low so they had to top them off.  She sat in the back seat, was in the front.  As we were heading around a long sweeping 
corner at speed - I think it may have been dog-legging - all I heard 
from the back seat was "F*ck, f*ck, f*ck!" started laughing 
when we got back and the salesgirl said, "Sorry for the language, 
please don't tell the manager."


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