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RE: the subject of noise

To: <>
Subject: RE: the subject of noise
From: "Charles R Schultz" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 05:26:15 -0600
Yeah, it seems like tire squeal is the usual cause for complaint, from what
I've read here, before.

The Radio Shack meter doesn't meet the minimum GCR requirements for
accuracy, and doesn't have the required ability to remote the mike (a safety
consideration, I suppose,) but is a good general indicator of where you
stand in the sound level department.

As you say, though, noise in the real world is much too subjective to be
reliably measured by any meter.

Chuck Schultz

-----Original Message-----
From: Rocky Entriken []
Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 4:09 AM
To: Chuck Schultz;
Subject: Re: the subject of noise


 Illustrating once again that
the mere presence of sound does not of itself constitute noise.

So far we haven't had a squawk from our neighbors. And being on concrete, we
get less tire squeal.


BTW - our meter was a small-change from Radio Shack, which I've also seen at
sound control at some races.

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