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Autocross Video Game Part 2

To: " list" <>
Subject: Autocross Video Game Part 2
From: "adam popp" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 17:47:58 -0500
Hello everyone. On September 15th of last year I put a subject on the
list about an Autocross Video Game. I got an email on that from a college
student saying he needed a game idea in 3d for his class and said he possibly
could make an Autocross 3d Video Game. I just remembered the past few days
about that and I'm wondering now that if that college student made the game or
not. If you did make the autocross 3d video game email me back when you get a
chance and let me know how it came out.

P.S-If it turned out good and u can sellit,I think I should get a little bit
of the profits since I came up with the idea. Bye for now.

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