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SCCA Solo II Rookie of the Year!

To: <>, <>,
Subject: SCCA Solo II Rookie of the Year!
From: "Vern Anderson" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2004 11:00:08 -0500
Congrats to Steel City Region's Shawn Mundis, he was named the 2003 SCCA Solo
II Rookie of the Year at the National convention this past weekend.  Last year
was Shawn's first full National season and he won the Washington DC National
Tour, was second at the Fort Myers and Toledo National Tours and was second at
the National Championships at Topeka, all in D-Stock.  Shawn missed the
National title by only 0.284 seconds and had FTD on Friday's South course
runs.  Shawn also won the NEDiv D-Stock Championship and was co-driver of the
year at Steel Cities.  Great job Shawn, of course now everyone is expecting a
National championship in 2004 - no pressure or anything :) !!!!!!


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