If you'd like to contact the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, their email address
is info@phoenixchamber.com, according to their Web site.
Clay Turner
BMW M Roadster
BS 180
> ----------
> From: Dave Kizerian
> Reply To: Dave Kizerian
> Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2004 9:36 AM
> To: autox@autox.team.net
> Subject: Financial Impact - WAS - Arizona Motorsports Park
> One thing I think everyone that has been affected by this change should do,
> is to write the chamber of commerce for the area surrounding the AMP, and
> let them know how much revenue they lost in ONE weekend!! Factor in Hotel,
> food, supplies, gas, etc... Please make sure they know how this affected
> town!
> Here is a very basic minimun expense calculation for a weekend of racing
> me...
> 2 nights hotel x 60 = 120
> Snacks, water, groceries = 50
> Gas = 10
> Diesel = 55
> Restaurants = 50
> -----------------------
> Total - 285
> This is about what I'd expect to spend in the immediate area if I had gone
> to the NT. I'm on a fairly tight budget, and stay at the cheaper motels,
> I think it's safe to say the town around the event lost a fair chunk of
> cash. If there were 200 competitors, and no one else, and each went on my
> budget, then the town lost $57,000 in two days, lets say that
> 3/4 of the competitors had significant others and/or kids, most of the
> hotel rates wouldn't go up drastically, but other items would go up... the
> town could Easily have lost over $80,000 in outside income...
> Trust me, the chamber of commerce won't like getting these letters....
> Dave