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Re: shocks

To: <>
Subject: Re: shocks
From: "Gregg Lee" <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 18:40:13 -0500
> One line would do it.  "Non original equipment shocks from any car
> getting a trophy may be claimed by any other competitor in the same
> Stock class for $250."  End of the unobtanium shock wars.
I've been thinking about this problem for years - decades even.

I have occasionally considered claiming.  It's a fun idea to throw around,
but here of some of the issues that someone will raise.  In fact were raised
when I tried it out on a few people.

$250 each is still $1000.  Who is willing to pay that for a set of shocks
that will be claimed or reclaimed if you ever use them?  And it does need to
be $250 each, since no one seems to want to get rid of  "mass produced"
catalog KYB, Tokico, Koni etc. single adjustable that run $150 or so each..
Even if you do $250 is a significant deterrent.

It's of limited use at National Championships anyway, since the results
still stand.
Can the claimee drive the car home first or does SCCA leave it sitting in
the paddock on cinder blocks?
If driven home, how do you insure the claimer gets the same set of shocks?
Who performs and pays for the dismount and delivery?
Would someone claim or threaten to claim shocks just to harass?
Regardless of anything else, claimers will be attacked as unsportsmanlike
sore losers by the same crowd who attack protesters, discouraging claims..
What if more than one person claims?  Do they bid?  First in line?
what if two competitors get together and agree to claim each others shocks
at every event?
Can your codriver claim your shocks?
Can shocks be reclaimed by the original owner at the same event or next
If claimed, can the shocks still be used by another driver in a different
class at the same event?  (open/ladies)
Can shocks claimed in open class be claimed again in Ladies or the reverse?
Can trophy winners claim, or only non-trophy winners?
Why are only trophy winners claimable?
If you lower claim price to make it more affordable, you increase the chance
of spurious claims.
Does SCCA handle the claim money and or shocks as part of the process?  If
no who's the banker?
Do Divisional and National events need a chief of claims?

The basic problem with the seemingly simple "one line" is that it introduces
the term "claim" which you then have to turn around and define,  along with
a claiming process.

Gregg Lee

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