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Re: If I were King for a Day

Subject: Re: If I were King for a Day
From: Lloyd Loring <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 19:19:05 -0500 said:
>I chose the names I did specifically to invoke certain associations that
>come along with them. When you say "Super Modified" to a NASCAR guy or an
>NHRA guy, it invokes a certain mental picture.
>Ditto "Formula 1", "Formula Grand National", "Formula GT" etc. When you
>invoke names that shadow some of the great names of the past, it makes the
>whole endevour seem that much more serious; gives it more weight.

When I hear "Formula" I envision a restrictive class with specific 
limits on what can be done: Formula Atlantic, Continental, Vee, et. 
al. This is from my SCCA background. (Although Formula Libre in the 
'50s was not at all restrictive -  run what you brung without 
fenders, basically.) "Spec" has the same image, but even more so.

So perhaps Street, Super Street, Ultra Street and Extreme Street 
might be suitable for production based machinery, The "Formula" names 
might be saved for open-wheel specials, FV, F500, and the like. In 
both cases, alphabetical by speed.

Or not.

Lloyd Loring   <>

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