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RE: FW: UD/BD Explained (was Fastrack)

To: "'Hugh Barber'" <>,
Subject: RE: FW: UD/BD Explained (was Fastrack)
From: "Eric Salem" <>
Date: Tue, 8 Jul 2003 02:13:58 -0500
But for the record, I have run PCA events in a friend's 944.  The PCA
events out here (west coast) don't allow any cars but Porsches.  Perhaps
your area is different

For the record, having checked with the PCA powers that be on the left
coast none are aware of ANY Porsche-only events of an AutoX nature held
in the last few years. They do tell me that like many left coast car
clubs they do cap entries and are sometimes full before the event day.

Don't start insulting car clubs and then when called on it encourage
someone to 'take a chill'. You can defend and document your position,
you can not reply back knowing you're wrong, you can quitely slink back
into the swamp you came from. Whatever makes you happy. 

You may even call the PCA the 'big watch, small penis crowd' and on that
front I'd probably agree with you, but if you want to cite an
exclusionary event let's get some kind of detail to back up the claim.

In summary, either show up in Topeka in September and demonstrate why
the 1200 hundred of us are wrong; especially a certain FP national
champion that AutoX's next to never yet shows up and kicks ass anyway or
just stop raking the muck so we can go back to arguing about shocks,
tires and rules.

Warm regards,

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