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Re: [F125] Re: Denver Tour and Pro Cancelled

Subject: Re: [F125] Re: Denver Tour and Pro Cancelled
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2003 16:54:19 EDT
It would appear that my post regarding the reason and
source for the cancellation of the Denver events was
premature, and based on incomplete information.

The new owner of the site was not the cause of the cancellation,
I have been informed by someone who has access.

Did anyone else come to my conclusion, based on the wording
of the cancellation notice, or was I the only quick-draw?

My apology to all concerned.

Alan Sheidler

In a message dated 6/13/03 4:16:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> Exactly right.
> The economic impact on local establishments is undeniable.
> Any weekend happening which can draw 200 to 300 competitors,
> plus families, provides a significant stimulus to local business.
> The move on the part of new ownership seems, from this end,
> to be poorly thought out.  Not the way to start off a business venture.
> Alan
> In a message dated 6/13/03 3:56:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> writes:
> > And along the same lines maybe get a new article in Denver papers?  A pro
> > and a Tour are 2 pretty large events to just cancel...
> > 
> > 
> > > Is it possible to find out and publish who the new owners are, so
> > > autocrossers everywhere can boycott their goods/services?
> > >
> > > Alan Sheidler
> > > Thinking that big business sometimes makes disturbing decisions.....

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