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Re: possible virus warning

To: "Eric Salem" <>, "'Alan Dahl'"
Subject: Re: possible virus warning
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 17:54:45 -0500
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Salem" <>

> Of course there are no Mac viruses. The 14 mac's still in use by actual
> programmers are all owned by tree-hugging, beret wearing, NPR listening,
> mocha sipping, burned-out Jerry Garcia worshipers. None of whom have
> enough metal capacity left to declare a variable, much less remember
> it's scope.

Okay -- an "NPR listening" ... "Jerry Garcia worshiper (sic)" is a
contradiction in terms.

the NPR listeners groove to David Lanz and Vangelis and "Hearts of Space"
(also Mozart and Beethoven).
the Jerry Garcia worshippers are hooked on the FM-oldies stations hoping
(usually in vain) to actually hear an old Dead number.


--Rocket J. Squirrel

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