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Subject: Thanks!
From: Scott R Sawyer <>
Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 22:15:39 -0400
Just wanted to take a second to thank Jerry Onks for his help this
weekend at the Petersburg Pro. My wife brought a foster puppy with her
for the weekend, and it got into an altercation with another of the
Underdog dogs. The bigger dog bit the puppy and the little guy wouldn't
quit squeeling. Jerry was working radio but a replacement was found and
he took the time to check out the puppy, contributing greatly to my
wife's peace of mind. Turned out to be a small cut on the puppy's tongue
that bled for a while, but he was fine after a half hour or so. Amazing
how much noise a puppy can make!
        It's things like this that make you realize how great all the people in
this sport are. I had never met Jerry before, didn't even know he was a
veterinarian until someone told me after the pup got bit. But he was
willing to take the time out of his weekend to help out a competitor in
need. Thanks!

Scott Sawyer,
Team Underdog Racing,
1991 Honda Civic Si, STS 22

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  • Thanks!, Scott R Sawyer <=