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Re: [evolution-disc.] ProSolo Bonus Point?

Subject: Re: [evolution-disc.] ProSolo Bonus Point?
Date: Tue, 27 May 2003 17:34:08 EDT
In a message dated 5/27/03 4:28:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> Then how about adding some dates to the already very small schedule? 10
> events could somewhat easily be morphed into a 14-16 event series, thus
> allowing more people an opportunity to join in. Then the 3/4 doesn't sound
> so bad, not that it was that bad in the first place. And also a 14-16 maybe
> even 20 event series would be viewed by the potential and current sponsors
> as getting alot more for their money.
> MK

Besides the usual scheduling and site acquisition problems, the question
in the minds of the series' organizers has always been "at what point does
attendance per event drop significantly when we add more events to the
schedule?"  We now see some, but not all, ProSolo events fill to the limit
at some point before the event starts.  Only a couple of years ago, we
rarely filled any of them.  In fact, we've only recently instated entry 
at all.  We still have a number of Pro's that don't "fill up".  And IMO, one
of the conclusions we *might* draw from light attendance at the Precision
Racing events is that even though there is overwhelming demand at some
Solo events such as the Peru Tour, there does appear to be a finite limit
to the number of people who have the time and budget to travel all over
the country to xx number of these events, regardless of the format offered.

While the thought of expanding the schedule and having additional events
closer to you personally may be appealing, if the end result is lower
attendance over the course of the season it could at some point kill the
entire series.  I think this is the dilemma that Howard & Co have been
wrestling with for a number of years.


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