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Re: Complete Prosolo

Subject: Re: Complete Prosolo
From: Craig & Cynthia Naylor <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 11:28:15 -0700
Charles wrote: "On the West coast, Joe Goeke already has 22 points in
his bag in two events even though he paxed well down in the field, due to
very weak competition."
Charles, to the best of my knowledge we've never met.  Let me introduce myself, 
My name is Craig, apparently I'm part of that VERY WEEK COMPETITION on the west 
coast. As my wife is a school teacher, and we have 2 school aged children who 
school 2 hrs after she does, I have not yet had the privilege of competing 
the majority of the SE drivers in GS, which takes place after the school year 
starts.  Two years ago, two of your SE friends traveled the country and even 
competed here on the West coast events.  Driving the same car I am now ('91 
Acura Integra) I managed to luck into 36pts, going into the Finale for which I 
couldn't attend.  If you look at the Fontana & Atwater results you'll see I 
blew all
of my Sunday runs, in an attempt to catch Joe (who IS definitely a better 
driver than I)  Some day I would love to make it to the Finale & Nationals, and 
see just how I compare.  But until that day, lets be careful about the 
accusations we throw around, especially after looking at the Ft. Myers results, 
it appears the Pot is calling the Kettle black.  Although Joe's margins of wins 
are more
than I personally wished they were, his win's were still well EARNED.
Cynthia & Craig Naylor
Naylor & Naylor
ph/fax 858-679-3754
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