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Re: Slick Classes Run Later (was Nationals Solo II

To: "Jeff Winchell" <Jeff@Winchell.Org>, <>,
Subject: Re: Slick Classes Run Later (was Nationals Solo II
From: "Patrick Washburn" <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2003 17:17:53 -0500
Since you like numbers, here:  

I've run CM for a year and a half.  Each of the two years I ran CM at Nats
were run 1st heat.  

I therefore conclude that 100% of all National Championships held in the
past two years have run CM in the first run group.  ;-P 

> Unfortunately, this bias appears to already exist, at least in the National
> Tours. :(
> Over 24 National Tours that I have in my database, open classes running
> slicks were in the first Heat only 10% of the time. Based on the varying
> number of heats in those events, if it were purely random they would have
> been in Heat 1 21% of the time.... far outside of the possibility of random
> chance.
> I haven't looked at Nationals yet since I don't have that many events in my
> database yet.

Patrick Washburn
C-Tech Trailer Cabinets
Designed for the Racer
Wausau, WI

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