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Re: Registration Stuff

To: "Patrick Washburn" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Registration Stuff
From: "Jeff Winchell" <Jeff@Winchell.Org>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 09:27:11 -0700
---- Original Message ----- 
From: "Patrick Washburn" <>
To: "Jeff Winchell" <Jeff@Winchell.Org>; <>
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2003 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: Registration Stuff

> Wait a moment.  Jeff, you say below that you posted something on the list
> that prompted a number of people to register right away, and then you make
> projection based on that temporarily increased registration rate.  I don't
> get it, why are you doing that?  It almost seems that you are creating and
> throwing stuff as scare tactics.  Should we be reading something between
> lines here?  Maybe I'm reading too much into this, and I apologize if I
> offend, but is there some motive here that I'm missing?  If there is,
> let us in on it, if not please accept my sincere apologies...maybe you
> like working with numbers and statictics.

Well, I do have the disease of working with numbers and statistics<s>. More
specifically, abstraction and modeling is a genetic predisposition of
Myers-Brigg's intuitives, so I'll blame DNA for that.<s>

> Do you think the "projections" helped to sell out the Finale at a faster
> rate than it might normally have?  I know it prompted me to sign up

As for the projections ability to change the forecast, yes there is some of
that affect. When I first looked at ProSolo Finale data, and had made no
comment prior about registration rates, it looked like June 20th was the
sellout date. I'm sure my projections had a major affect on moving that
sellout date to May 8th... but none of it would have mattered if there
wasn't is much more demand than there is supply... I have no ability to
affect demand for ProSolos and nationals.

Given that a sellout, IMO was certain, I decided it was better the sell out
occurred earlier, giving the SCCA and competitors more time to address the
capacity issue so I have no problems with helping convince others (by
helping the sell out occur earlier) that they need to work on this capacity

I think the same situation will occur with Solo 2 Nationals.

> Additionally, I'm wondering if the URL you guessed at and found for Nats
> registering is perhaps not on the any links because they do not *want* it
> be available yet?  If so, is it O.K. to be registering like that?  Just

I had found that URL a few weeks earlier and it didn't allow me to register.
So when it did allow me to register 2 days ago, it seemed to me that it was
fair game. From talking to employees, it seems that this
assumption was premature by 3 days, but I don't think 3 days will matter in
the big picture.

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