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More on Course Design School

Subject: More on Course Design School
From: James Rogerson <>
Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2003 07:42:05 -0600
Again, here in Houston.
It is mandatory for all event chairs to sit through Roger's course design 
school.  We hold it every January.  We all do it as a refresher for most 
and new to those that are just that new.  The "class" is open to anyone 
that wishes to take it, advertised on our website.  During those frozen 
days in January come down and have a doughnut and coffee with us.  Roger is 
the presenter, he calls on me on occasion for SSS and comic relief.
Rocky, I disagree on this point.  It's a good thing to refresh yourself on 
basic concepts periodically.  That's the intent of the "school" for those 
that have gone through it.  The new folks we just want to introduce them to 
what the basic concepts are.  Our course approval plan here is submission 
two months prior to event.  Review in open committee.  The design is either 
returned for adjustment or accepted pending actual setup and safety test.
Roger and I do not run for regional points.  We test every course in three 
phases.  First we just putt through and check the visuals (can you find the 
course).  Then we begin checking for runoff and crazy driver 
syndrome.  We'll drive the course on street tires driving off line and over 
aggressive (spin inducement).  We then will run a fast car on race tires 
and see if the course has any problems in that associated with raw 
speed.  Our events are on Sunday, we setup on Saturday.  It's a luxury, I 
know.  When we run at a site that requires same day setup, Roger and I do 
the same routine in a compacted time frame.
The course design handout that Roger has put together is not just his 
work.  It's a compilation of the work of many, so it is broad spectrum and 
should be used as a guideline for the club.  At least that's my opinion.

Further, if any region wants a personal presentation, Roger is just an 
e-mail away.  You'll have to buy his ticket, but he'll go anywhere.  You'll 
have to supply your own comic relief.  When Roger and I travel together, he 
requires a single malt properly aged.

James Rogerson
  [FP #125] - Tekless Racing
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