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Re: Insurance for a new driver?

To: "Crider, James A." <>
Subject: Re: Insurance for a new driver?
From: "Scott M. Stone" <>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 10:35:11 -0800 (PST)
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, Crider, James A. wrote:

> Scott Stone wrote:
> >And now I get to teach my wife how to drive on the Dodge... I'm hoping the
> >insurance guy will cut me a break and let me NOT name her as an insured on
> >the Rx7 or it's gonna cost me a fortune having a brand new driver insured
> >on the Rx7, i'm thinking.
> Huh????? You marry a 16-year-old or something?  Insurance companies
> typically don't give a flying intercourse about driving experience,
> they look at DOB and compute temporal age, not time with a license.
> Hell, she's got a squeaky-clean driving record!

she's 22.  And that's good to hear, about the insurance... although I
think Allstate does it differently, my premiums go down based on the
number of years I've had my license.

> That said, teaching her to drive in the Durango vs. a hyperactive
> RX7TT is probably a very good idea.  And get her to an autocross
> school there in SFR as soon as you can.  Even if she never autocrosses
> again, she'll learn more about how to dance behind the wheel there
> than in years of street driving, and it'll help her avoid incidents
> that many drivers don't know how to avoid.  Active safety -- collision
> avoidance -- is far better than passive safety -- the ability of the
> vehicle to absorb a hit and minimize impact energy transfer to the
> occupants.

I'd love to.  I haven't made it out to an autox myself yet this year due
to a bunch of other issues cropping up, but I would very much like to take
her to one - if I can get her to agree.

I don't think it would be safe to autocross the durango though - it's got
the offroad wheels/tires on it, the 15x8s with the 31.1x10" LT tires..
would probably roll over...

Scott M. Stone <>
Cisco Certified Network Associate, Sun Solaris Certified Systems Administrator

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