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RE: First Gear replaces Speed Freakz

To: "Rocky Entriken" <>, ".Team.Net" <>
Subject: RE: First Gear replaces Speed Freakz
From: "Baysinger, Jeffrey S (Jeffrey)" <>
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 2003 15:24:37 -0700
>>>The one aspect I disagree with is reducing the age to 21 and under.

Rocky, I absolutely agree with everything you said. I hadn't really thought 
about the college student being the primary target demographic, but it 
certainly makes sense. 

Another question I have is what they're going to do with the current Speed 
Freakz membership - if they'll be eligible for First Gear memberships until 
they're 26 or if they're cut off immediately and dumped into the $65 annual fee 
general SCCA population.

Either way it doesn't really matter to me, as this is the last year I'm 
eligible for reduced-rate membership under Speed Freakz, but I know a lot of 
people who'd be cut off... some at age 22. I bet they'd feel a bit robbed if 
this were the case.

- Jeff
RM Div

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