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Event Insurance

To: "autox list" <>
Subject: Event Insurance
From: "Loren Williams" <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2003 00:47:05 -0500
Hey, folks!  Long time, no post!

I dropped off the list before I went on vacation about 2 years ago and never
got around to resubscribing.  I may not stay subbed for very long this time,
I'm not sure I have the time to keep up if the list is as busy as it used to
be.  But I do have a question that I thought this would be a good audience

I've gotten involved with a local Miata club who puts on independent
autocross events.  They insure the events through K&K, which I've heard of
before.  The way they are billed for the insurance strikes me as a little
odd, and I think there may be a less expensive option out there.  What the
company does is charges for event insurance based on the number of members
in the club.  NOT the number of entrants in the event, but the number of
MEMBERS in the club.  In our case, we might have 30 entrants at an event...
but our club roster is over 150.

I haven't actually seen the policy yet, but I'm being told that it expressly
forbids more than one car to be run on a course.  (of course, I didn't find
that out until after I'd spent 3 days designing a brilliant course that
could accomodate 2 cars and a nice 25-second interval)  Pretty crappy
considering we have a fairly large site at our disposal.

So... who SHOULD we be getting our event insurance through?  Anybody got any

PS:  I subscribed to the digest, so if you don't reply personally, I won't
read it for a bit.  Not that I'm in a hurry.

Loren Williams  |
'96 Mazda Miata |

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