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RE: [evolution-disc.] Sportmanship and Protests (Kinda long but

Subject: RE: [evolution-disc.] Sportmanship and Protests (Kinda long but
From: "Madurski, Ronald M." <>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 13:24:46 -0400
-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Cone []

 : thing to do.  It's the right thing to do at Local Events, and
The "right thing to do" should not depend on a time, type of event, or
anything else.
 : But... If you expect to trophy and perhaps win Nationals, you are playing
 : whole different game.  Why on earth am I going to go up to someone and
 : them that I think X, Y, Z and H is wrong with their car, before we have
 : completed or even started competition runs?  They might be gracious, they

You might not do it.  I would do it because I believe that the
ethical/sportsmanlike thing to do is make the competitor aware of the
 : might get mad, upset, pissed off you name it.  I should not have to
create a 
If you do it in a confrontational manner the results will most likely be
unpleasant.  If it is the "right thing to do" the consequences should be of
little/no concern.  This is where the line is drawn between a hero and a
 : confrontation, just to be a sportsman.  Something about that tells me
 : not sportsmanship.  There have been people pissed off enough about a
 : potential protestor that they vandalized their car.  Why should I have to
The potential protestor may have (he might have been an a** when approaching
the issue) behaved in a sportsmanlike manner, the protestee, obviously, did

: take on that potential burden just to appease those that believe in this
 : almighty sportsmanship is the way. 
Does that mean that you don't believe in sportsmanship :-)

 : If you are going to play this game to win, you better be prepared to play
 : all the way through the impound shed.  That is the game.  If you don't
 : it, find another game, change the rules, or quit bitching about the
You are correct, it is part of the game.  I don't plan on looking for
another game.  Rule changes are probably on the way.  I have never "bitched
about" the process of protest/impound.  I think that everyone involved did a
fine job, I felt the DSQ was a bit harsh, but that is just MHO.  I "bitched
about" a competitor using the process in (again IMHO) an unsportsmanlike
 : We don't write specific rules for sportsmanship only vehicle eligibility
 : preparation.
I said it before and I'll say it again, you can't legislate morality.
 : Sportsmanship is shaking the hand of the winner at the end of the game.
 : telling him how or why he might lose before it starts.  We are also
 : early on that it's not if you win or lose, its how you play the game
 : (sportsmanship).  Since the game is not over until impound is over, those
 : that complain about the procedures laid out in the book are the real poor
 : sports. 
AGAIN, it's not what is "laid out in the book" with which I have a problem.
It is the implementation by the protestor.

 : So how do you file a protest and be a good sport?

 : 1) Make sure you are the person that tells the protested party about the
 : protest.  I would not want to hear about a protest from some guy with a
 : radio, golf cart and clip board saying we have to impound your car. 
I believe that this ( the golf cart clipboard method) is how the protestees
found out about their infractions.

 : 2) Be friendly and polite.  I can't stress this enough.  Through my
No words were exchanged (that I am aware of) during impound between the
protestor and the protestees.
 : protest of the Priebe/Eckert/Elder car this year, the level of
 : for lack of better word actually went up.  Hell, We cut a deal at the end
 : the protest when it was obvious that nothing was going to be found and I
 : helped them put the car back together.  Last year after protesting Robert
 : Carpenters car, and it looked like he might not get it back together for
 : second day of the prosolo, I offered him my car.  How many people protest
 : someone, and offer them their car?  That's sportsmanship. 
I'll go along with that.  I am guessing/hoping that in these cases the rules
infraction in question was not noticed until competition had begun.  That is
a COMPLETELY different scenario than we are discussing.  It's a nice story
but not really relevant.

 : So those of you that show up at Nationals expecting to win or trophy, and
 : want someone to tell them first of illegalities in/on their car.......
 : you are trying to use 'Sportsmanship' to cover your poor vehicle 
Maybe, maybe not.  It could be that the person really is cheating :-)
 : preparation.  Now who is the real sportsman?
I know it when I see it.
 : Rick Cone

Ron (getting tired of this discussion) Madurski
FM 124 

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