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Re: connectivity while in Topeka

To: "Don Miller" <>, <>
Subject: Re: connectivity while in Topeka
From: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 11:08:26 -0500
Dunno about the phones in the registration building but there are pay phones
right as you enter the gates to the site, on the right.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
"Water's wet, the sky is blue and old Satan Claus Jimmy, he's out there and
he's just gettin' stronger."
"So what do we do about that?"
"Be prepared son that's my motto, be prepared"
----- Original Message -----
> Hi all,
> Unfortunatley I am on call while in Topeka. I do have
> a local number to dial in to while I am there for
> modem connectivity. Does anyone know if there will be
> a location were we can use phones for local calls?
> Maybe the MTAA Office? Anyone have thoughts on this?
> thanks,
> Don (too dedicted sometimes) Miller
> #32 E-Mod Datsun Turbo V-6
> Meridian, ID

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