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Virus found

To: "Digest Auto-X" <>
Subject: Virus found
From: "Marvin Martin" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 21:48:39 -0800
Several people received messages from me that were generated by a virus.
These were typically incomplete messages, randomly extracted from old
messages, so they made no sense to the recipients.  I updated my anti-virus
program and eliminated the virus.  The name of the virus is
W32Magistr.39921.  It is a worm which sends out random e-mails.
Interestingly, it didn't just send them to people in my address book, but
also extracted addresses contained in group digests.  So, most of the people
who got the bad messages were not in my address book.  I apologize for the
inconvenience, and I thank those who pointed out the problem and identified
the virus.


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