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RE: My Pot Stirring

Subject: RE: My Pot Stirring
From: "Pitts, Ian" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 11:43:55 -0400
Man.. all this talk about messing with SP.. I hope nothing REALLY happens.

I'm in FSP with my 81 Scirocco and love it. I started Autocrossing at the
beginning of last year in an 85 Scirocco in FSP as well.. and found out that
the Mk1 Sciroccos are far more competetive in that class. I gravitated to
the FSP classes because I can't stand driving stock cars. I love the feel
and control a stiff suspension and good tires give, and wouldn't stand for
racing something that feels slower than my daily driver. Granted, this was
all before STS, STR, and SM were created.

I have a friend that races his 1999 Passat in SM, and I wonder if it's
really fair lumping so many disparate cars into that one class. At least in
the other Mod classes, you're grouped with cars that roughly approximate
your car's abilities.

Yeah, the Hoosiers are a little expensive, but we've modded our car to the
extents of the SP rules and the total price of the car is around $5000,
including the purchase of the car. After the initial buildup, the only
expenses I can see will be tires, gas and possibly clutch. (although this
car is obviously a dedicated AutoX car.. so that clutch will last forever)

My only reservation is that there are just not that many other FSP cars in
my region. There are enough for a good competition, but I'd like to see that

Just my $0.02,
'81 Scirocco FSP (Currently 1st in WDC Region) 

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Washburn []
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2001 11:34 AM
Subject: My Pot Stirring

I don't a direct stake in the SP debate, so hey, why not foolishly toss my 
very un-popular opinion in the ring.  Being dis-interested makes for a more 
neutral opinion IMO. 

SP rules need to be re-written to reflect the current state of "street" 
cars that are "prepared" by their owners.  Along with this is the 
elimination of the class proliferation we have seen in the past couple of 
years.  All of these new supplemental classes are temporary patches IMO, 
that will evolve into things we wish they hadn't.  They exist because there 
is a need to be filled, but SP is "off limits" to change.  They should then 
be killed off when SP is re-directed to fill the role they currently 
serve.  Street Tires?  Regional class only....there is no place Nationally 
for a "Street Tire" class.  I feel that it will quickly become a mockery of 
itself, and we will again wish we hadn't gone there.  (Yes, I firmly 
believe DG and Roger on this issue.) 

Very un-popular thoughts I realize.  People naturally tend to protect the 
investments they have made in the past rather than objectively gaze into 
the future, so fire up the guns and let me have it. Like I said, I don't 
have a direct stake so I won't be offended if you want to flame my idea.  
(Flame my idea...not me!)  Also, don't ask me to write the rules.  Seem to 
me that people have been writing them for the past two years, but under 
different class names.

Fact is that stepping back and looking at the long term best interest of 
the club and the sport, allowing our future course to be charted because of 
status quo investments is short sighted.  I say make Street Prepared 
current to today's needs and dispense with the other "supplemental" classes 
created to fill that need.  

Patrick (asking for it and stepping back) Washburn
C-Tech Trailer Cabinets
Designed for the Racer
Wausau, WI

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