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Re: suspected illegalities

To: "Frank Greensmith" <>, <>
Subject: Re: suspected illegalities
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Sun, 7 Oct 2001 07:41:46 -0500
Frank Greensmith wrote:

>i went to watch a few local large events this year 
>and got interested enough to buy a rule book.

That's a much better approach than most newcomers take. The rulebook is cheap, 
and everyone who autocrosses should have one. Have you entered an event yet?

>what do you do if you suspect a mod on someone's car is illegal?

Is this someone in your class? What is the modification? There are folks on 
this list who could help with your question.

>they admit 
>to installing it but insist its legal.  from what i read of the rules its 
>not a legal part.

Ask an experienced competitor. Steve Hoelscher lives in the Huntsville area, 
and he attends events there on a regular basis. He might be willing to share 
his thoughts.

If, after further investigation, you still believe the modification is illegal 
(AND if the competitor is in your class; otherwise, why bother?), I suggest you 
invite the competitor to have a conference with yourself and the folks who've 
provided advice re: the mod's illegality. If he still won't change the car, 
wait until a major event (Divisional, National Tour) and protest him.


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