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Introducing Reed Road - Solo2 Nationals Course Featured in

To: cone Crazy Bulletin Board <>,
Subject: Introducing Reed Road - Solo2 Nationals Course Featured in
From: Roger Johnson <>
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 12:17:58 -0500
The Houston Region SCCA is proud to announce the 1st Solo2 event at the new 
Reed Road location on November 4th, 2001.   13" thick 1 year old 
concrete.  8^)  Directions to Reed Road can be found at the following URL:

We will be featuring the 2001 Solo2 Nationals South Course Design from 
Topeka Kansas, for those of you that want another crack at it  - or - for 
those that didn't have the opportunity.  Course Map can be viewed at the 
following URL:

Further details on Houston Region Solo2 events may be found at the 
following URL:

See you there!

Roger H. Johnson
Home of the Criminally Insane
(281) 992-7504

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