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U/B rule

To: "'autox'" <>
Subject: U/B rule
From: "Linnhoff, Eric" <>
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 16:07:59 -0500
Well, since the Nats are over I have a lot of spare time on my hands.  ;^)

Since y'all didn't quite agree with me on the light weight fastener issue
thread how about we try a few that are just a little bit more vague?

How do you all interpret the SP update/backdate rule regarding such items as
interior consoles and door panels?  Can one take a lighter console from an
earlier car and install it in a later year car to save weight?

The way I read rule 14.1.C (quoted below) one can take the best individual
parts from any car listed together on the same line and build  the lightest
possible car, right?

14.1.C: "Equipment and/or specifications may be exchanged between different
years and models of a vehicle if 
(a) the item is standard on the year/model from which it was taken, 
(b) the years/models are listed on the same line of Appendix A (Street
Prepared Classes). 
The updated/backdated part or the part to which it is to be attached may not
be altered, modified, machined or otherwise changed to facilitate the
updating/backdating allowance. The updating and/or backdating of engines,
transmissions or transaxles must be done as a unit; component parts of these
units may not be interchanged. Cars not listed in the Street Prepared
sections of Appendix A may not be updated/backdated until approved by the
SEB and published in SportsCar magazine."

Also, exactly what constitutes a "reclining" seat as required by the Street
Touring rule 17.2.B (quoted below)?  I can find no finite definition of what
constitutes a "reclining" seat.  How far must it "recline" to be considered
a "reclining" seat?  I submit that I could take a fixed back, fully
upholstered seat and mount the rear of the mounting bracket on pivoting
hinge pins and the front with pull pins (pull sideways) to raise or lower
the seat in one of several holes in the front of the bracket.

Rule 17.2.B states: "Any fully padded and upholstered front seats with
reclining seat backs, rear seats may not be removed."

Nowhere does it say that the seat back must recline independent of the seat
bottom and in my proposal above the seat back does indeed recline, even if
only a little bit.

Hmm, in the mean time I guess I'll keep writing letters to Denver/Topeka get
that silly "reclining" requirement removed as I feel it truly has no place
in a class that allows seats to be replaced.  Who's to say what's
"streetable" to me?

Eric (450# springs feel good on the street) Linnhoff in KC 
1998 Dodge Neon R/T (see-dan)
STS #69   TLS #13

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