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Re: What's your dream car?

To: "'autox'" <>
Subject: Re: What's your dream car?
From: Clay Horste <>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 09:27:42 -0700
I personally lust for some of the old rally supercars.  The Lancia 
Stratos which originally came out of Area 51 is at the top of my list.  
I remember the last of the Group B Audis were said to do 0-60 in 5 
seconds......In gravel.  A Lancia Montecarlo homoglation special was 
reviewed in R & T that is up at the top for me as well.  Any factory car 
that was built to get around the homoglation rules trips my trigger in 
general.  Some of the American stock car plants of the sixties were 


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