You have to be very careful holding an umbrella if there is lightning.
Gail deLeon
Rocky Entriken wrote:
> >Just say no. Get a hat with a brim and some decent rain gear.
> >
> >Mark
> I wish you'd been on a corner with me and two others several years ago at a
> MiDiv Divisional in a driving rain. We had one of those big golf umbrellas
> and all three of us were behind it. Not under it, behind it, and barely
> peeking over the top edge (with our brimmed hats) to watch the course. If we
> had to chase a cone, two of us were available, while the one with the radio
> held the brolly and called it in. Logging was abandoned! Those without
> umbrellas stood with their backs to the rain -- occasionally peeking around
> as cars were in the vicinity of their station.
> One solution does not fit all situations.
> IMHO, an umbrella ban sounds like one of those rules designed to make things
> easier for organizers with no consideration for those who have to do the
> actual work. Better to find solutions that make the chore easier for the
> workers, not restrictions that make the chore more onerous. A worker
> standing as far off the course as he SHOULD BE, and carrying even a red
> umbrella (although I might recommend ANY other color!), is no more
> distracting than any other worker no matter what he/she is carrying or
> wearing -- or not wearing.
> --Rocky
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