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[all] Shop Visit / Corner Balancing Demo / Formula Mazda at Pro

Subject: [all] Shop Visit / Corner Balancing Demo / Formula Mazda at Pro
From: <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2001 22:40:53 -0400

I am going to put together a shop visit to Pro One Motorsports (located at
Gingerman), tentatively for July 7.

(Pro One used to be Havoc Motorsports, or Havoc is co-owner?).

I need to get my car corner balanced and aligned, so I thought as long as I
am going out to Gingerman, I might as well see if other people want to go
along, and we could see if Pro One would set up the following:

     o  Corner balance / alignment demo on my car
     o  Formula Mazda "under the skin"
     o  Possible lapping, depending on Gingerman's schedule

The shop visit would be a Rotary Car Club of Chicago (RC3) event, but this
would be open to anyone.

Please let me know if you would like to attend.  I need this info so I can
see if we will have enough people to make it worth Pro One's time to show
us a Formula Mazda car and any other topics I can get them to set up.


Steve        <-- 3rd gen RX-7 resource     <-- RC3

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