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Elise classing

Subject: Elise classing
From: "Ron Chapman" <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 11:43:51 -0700
The list now engages in another round of classing debate, and once again the 
"I" class issue comes up again.  Solutions proposed are more classes, fewer 
classes, OSP, etc.

San Diego Region has a great local class for all of the "I" cars- our local SM 
class.  The rules have been around for years, and consists of the following 
(paraphrased and only slightly shortened):

DOT legal tires required


Your Elise is or kit car is outclassed or homeless... try SDR SM! 

The DSM and Ponycars guys exclude your Porsche from the "national" SM... try 

Your Chevette is a great car, but in stock form could be passed by a soap box 
derby car going uphill... take out the backseat, drop in a turbocharged 13B 
rotary and try SDR SM!

Your Fiero is gutless and outclassed... keep the hood, drop a real car 
underneath it, call it a Fiero... and try SDR SM!

Simple to classfy any car, virtually impossible to cheat.  Whatever the 
weakness of the car, you can address it.  This class has been somewhat of a 
haven for undeprepared SP and Prep cars, but is being led this year by a near 
stock MR2T.  

Not even a prospect for a national class (imagine the Phantom on the biggest 
Kumhos out there), but if you have a lot of "enhanced" cars in your region 
which don't really fit any class, or your resident national SP/P champ 
routintely pummels the rest of his or her class until they're dazed,  
senseless, and discouraged (and I can attest to those adjectives personally), 
it can work.

Ron Chapman
99 Miata S BS

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