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Do you care about SCCA Solo?

Subject: Do you care about SCCA Solo?
From: "Dave Randall" <>
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 13:40:18 -0000
If you do, get a load of this.  The upper management
at SCCA wants to move the HQ from Denver, and they
think the leading candidate is Birmingham, AL.  The
second candidate is Topeka, KS.

Why is Birmingham bad?  Well, if the HQ goes there
I'm told most of the Staff will quit.  What will
SCCA be like without Howard, Tasha, Jim, Sven
Patc, if they all decide they can't stand to live
in Birmingham?  Management apparently thinks they
can easily replace all these people.  You and I
know better.  Some of them might be willing to
tolerate Topeka.  But I hear Birmingham gets a
resounding NO WAY.

Those who want to move (it's mostly about $$$ and
the cost of office space) also want to try to have
an SCCA managed race track and Solo site in the
same community as the HQ, and to have both the
Solo II Nationals and the Runoffs held there.  If
you live west of the Rockies, won't it be fun to
tow an extra 500-900 miles to go the the National
Championships?  Boy, I'm thrilled... :-(

Write the Directors at

Board of Directors
Sports Car Club of America
9033 East Easter Place
Englewood, CO  80112

or go to and find the link which lets
you send email to the Directors.  Paper letters
carry more weight than email, so fire up your
printer and invest a stamp.  Do it now, the decision
is being made extremely soon.  Hopefully it is not
too late.  You may also want to write to

Steve Johnson, President
Sports Car Club of America
9033 East Easter Place
Englewood, CO  80112

and tell him this is a bad idea.  Write now.


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