Sam & Greg Scharnberg wrote:
> Please reference, Sec 1.5.2 page 49 (The definition of a
> Divisional Event.) Yes, indeed all the criteria for a Divisional
> Event has been met.
> Sections 6.10 nor 1.1 define a Divisional :-)
You're right about 1.5.2, I hadn't noticed that just now. However,
1.1 still says that a Divisional needs to comply with the entire
book, which includes 6.10.
Eric makes a good point about some of the more difficult to enforce
rules -- yes, these too need to be enforced at all Divisional and
National events as described in 1.1.
I was actually asked to put on my helmet at Tech at some event last
year, but I can't remember which one. 4.1.C and 4.9 are somewhat
more difficult, as event officials cannot be asked to diagnose
medical conditions; these are surely here just to protect our
insurance policy after the fact. But 6.10 is about the competition,
and is completely within our control.