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Petersburg Pro SS, AS, ES results

Subject: Petersburg Pro SS, AS, ES results
Date: Sun, 6 May 2001 15:47:56 EDT
Sorry, this is all I know:

Super Stock
1st  R. Falkner
2nd D. Shields
3rd  R. Beecher

A Stock
1st  GH Sharp

E Stock
1st  R. Carpenter
2nd J. Jacobs
3rd  R. Foley
4th  M. Chiles
5th  R. Cone

190 competitors, I think this is a record for this event.   Challenges are 
under way.  Apparently timing system is working much better than in Lubbock, 
but the large turnout coupled with the 10am Sunday start time required for 
this site is causing the event to run long.

Mark Sipe

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