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Re: "Driven"... in the good old days

Subject: Re: "Driven"... in the good old days
From: "Larry Steckel" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 07:29:22 -0400
If my memory serves, the car McQueen was driving was a Porsche 917.

Larry Steckel

>Subject: "Driven"... in the good old days
>Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 23:59:35 EDT
>Movies?  There are the "action flicks", like the latest issue,
>then there are those which more closely resemble the
>subject they purport to portray.
>As a college-age guy between stints in the establishments of
>higher learning, I passed some time and made a few dollars as
>pump jockey and occasional light mechanic at a Shell station
>in Kettering, Ohio.  Full service.  Fill the tank and check the oil.
>Wash the windshield.  Smile.
>The station was located at a busy intersection, Far Hills and Dorothy
>Lane, I think...  May have been Stroup Ave.  Somehow I have gotten
>DL and S mixed up in the intervening few (ahem) years.
>Anyway, the place was busy, as was our rival for local fuel and
>mechanical/tires trade.  That competitor was on the NW corner,
>the Shell was on the SE.  Along with most of my buds, I was even
>then a gear-head, and went very soon after its opening to see
>"LeMans".  I was really taken by the racing footage, and the
>cars themselves.
>I dragged my girlfriend at the time to the theater with me once,
>went another time with a couple of friends, and took in a late
>showing after work one evening.
>Because of my enjoyment of the film, what  I really wanted was a
>poster that was quickly in short supply where it was available.  It
>featured a shot of the refiner sponsored car and Steve McQueen,
>along with the movie title, and I think a small logo in one corner.
>The rival station had put one in their front window.  Yep, it was a
>Gulf station.
>I had stopped at other Gulf outlets between work and home to
>try and get a poster, but they had none.  Either they "never got any",
>or "sorry, they're all gone."  One station manager said he had some,
>but was "giving them to customers who bought something like a set
>of tires."  I was desperate, but even if I'd had the $, I would not have
>been inclined to put new rubber on a car that: 1. Didn't need it.
>2.  Still belonged to my parents.
>Figuring that waiting even one more day was useless, I drove the
>Corsa into the rival Gulf on my way to work the day after I first noticed
>the LeMans poster on display.  In my Shell uniform (remember when
>station personnel wore stuff like that?) I walked in the front door and
>said hello, then asked if they had any of the movie posters.
>The two guys in the place laughed and said something like "Yea,
>but why should we give one to you?"  "My girlfriend is a real fan
>of McQueen..." popped out of my mouth, "and I'd be a real hero for
>getting her the poster."  (She could have cared less, of course, and
>I felt a chunk of purgatory time land on me.)  Somehow, that
>seemed to soften them a bit, since I wasn't asking for myself, I
>guess. Still, they were "almost out", an wanted to know what I
>could trade.
>I was scratching for any item that would precipitate a transaction, but
>they didn't want the car magazine I had out in the Corvair, and turned
>down an outright purchase offer for $5.  (That was a full tank of gas in
>those days, folks.)  Apparently they were not allowed to sell them.
>The older guy, whose name I have long since forgotten if ever I did
>know it, was presumedly the manager.  He popped up with the "solution"
>that would get something for the Gulf station:  "You really want one,
>huh?  I'll tell you what.  I'll give you one on one condition.  You work
>over there, right?"  (He motioned across the intersection)  I nodded.
>"Ok, you promise me to post it in the front window while you're working
>tonight and you can have it!"
>Uhhh...  After explaining that my boss would fire me and then a bit
>of negotiation, we settled on an hour between six and seven, times
>when I felt it unlikely that Tom would be at the station.  I left the Gulf
>station with a rolled unused copy of the poster.
>The Sisters at Our Lady of Good Hope had reinforced my parent's
>teaching that I should live up to my end of a bargain, so since Tom
>had left around 5:30, I carefully taped that poster inside the front
>window of the station just before 6.  It would make good copy in
>these days of "Driven" type hype to say that Tom, the station owner,
>had come back while a Gulf poster was on display in his place,
>and that I still carry the imprint of his boot on my posterior.
>But he didn't.  I got busy and could not take McQueen out of the
>window until after 7:30....  Washed my hands first, you bet.  And
>it went home with me that night.  After 30 years and jumps all over
>this country, I have no idea what ever happened to it.  But I do have
>some tubes with old posters in them around somewhere.  Hmmm...
>I wonder....
>Alan Sheidler
>An extra credit question:  Was it the Porsche or the Ford GT40
>on that poster?
>AX content:  The Corvair was my autocross ride in the early 80's


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