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Re: Driven... to mediocrity

Subject: Re: Driven... to mediocrity
From: "Larry Steckel" <>
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 08:59:07 -0400
So if I understand you, you are saying that Stallones new movie doesn't hold 
a candle to the classics, those movies being Grand Prix and Le Mans?

>Subject: Driven... to mediocrity
>Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 01:40:07 EDT
>Well, here's my personal review...  I don't want to get off on a rant here,
>but...  The Delete key is usually on the right!
>I saw it tonight in SF.  I'm amazed at how bad the technical stuff was.  
>wheels, Indy type cars on display in a building that suddenly grow
>self-starters and can be driven right out of the building and onto the
>streets of Chicago, where after causing multiple traffic melees at night 
>drivers are not even arrested, and are fined a paltry $25K each by their 
>owner, not the series organizers.
>Drivers jerked out of cars and replaced by others at the last minute, who 
>the way haven't qualified, everyone from the driver's brother to his
>girlfriend gets a headset so they can tell him how to drive his race...  
>The characters are the worst collection of double dealing, backstabbing,
>one-dimensioned folks I've seen in a while.  I thought I had heard some 
>TV announcers, but these guys were dumb and dumber!
>The producers should have had the students at the Academy of Art College 
>them with the graphics.  Graduating Seniors would've made them really cool, 
>suspect that talented Freshpersons or sophomores could've only made them 75 
>100% better.
>Oh, and here's a racing tip that obviously works, because they used it
>numerous times and it ALWAYS puts you in the lead.  Road course, oval,
>superspeedway, it doesn't even matter!  Read closely:  You're dueling for 
>lead, inches from your rival, on the very edge of control, and decide to 
>it and take the lead.  Just go from part throttle to flat on the floor and
>grab the next higher gear!  Why didn't I think of this?
>I think the average (male) motorsports enthusiast will enjoy it 
>and the non-racing oriented (male) public will enjoy it even more.  It's
>possible I'm being overly nice, here.  Female audiences will need some
>tolerance for tight shorts with some cheekiness, etc., if you know what I
>Okay, I'm done.


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