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Re: Subject: Autox on TV please

Subject: Re: Subject: Autox on TV please
From: Benjamin D Thatcher <>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 11:57:01 -0400

I think this is inevitible if growth continues in the major urban areas.
We have 4 million people here in Atlanta. If we really pushed our sport
in the media, we'd probably see 4 times as many people at our events. The
economics then become feasible to start considering a dedicated facility.

Of course, it this happens, entry fees WILL increase to support the costs

On Wed, 25 Apr 2001 08:38:17 -0700 "Rich" <> writes:
> Ben,
> Sounds like someone needs to build an autocross
> facility somewhere. Four events a week (morn/afternoon
> weekends) and test and tune courses during the week.
> With lights you could have wed/fri night events and
> night test and tune. Rent out garage space and have
> a tire store and/or other retail space with testing right
> outside the door.
> Ya think ?
> Rich Douglas
> ----------
> > 

Ben Thatcher
Apex Benefit Services & Motorsports
Stockbridge, GA

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