First off, a somewhat embarrassing request. Given that I spend so much time
dealing with mailing lists, I should probably know this. Isn't there a list
hosted somewhere other than here which deals with Solo II Prepared category?
I'm on the verge of putting the Killer Spit, built for Street Prepared, on
the shelf or perhaps on the street, and running my D Prepared Spitfire as my
primary autocross ride. Having seen the proposal to put the DP Spitfire on a
nice little diet for 2002, I thought I might want to get some idea of issues
involved before I send off a letter to the SEB.
Secondly, yes, there can be a lot of chatter on this list. Some folks like
it, some folks hate it, some folks ignore it. A moderated list is one approach
to the situation. When the topic has come up on some of the other busy lists,
I've said I'd be happy to add moderated companion list to the
roster, if someone wished to volunteer as the moderater. I'm almost tempted
to do it myself for this list, just to see what happens. Maybe next week, I
need to get the DP Spit ready for this weekend, and the IVR races the weekend