is just around the departing tornados April 28-29 at East Crawford Recreation
Area in Salina, KS. Info can be found at:
and you can download an entry form there also, but ANY entry form will do.
(Okay if you get multiple messages because I cross posted, please delete :-)
Midiv offers everything a competitor desires in a divisional championship
plus more:
- Concrete site at East Crawford Recreation Area-A past Nationals event site.
- Championship courses
- CP Competition as B Dick Berger returns to the Midwest for an event
- Brookville Hotel Fried Chicken dinner at the event motel Saturday evening.
- Southern hospitality Friday evening (Food and drink)
- Indoor plumbing at the site.
- Roving tech.
- Wonderful give a ways including a Nationals entry, a subscription or
to NAP, a Divisional entry, etc.
Please come join us. The deadline for mailing your entry (without a late fee)
is Wednesday April 18th.
Also, a two day regional event has been scheduled at Forbes Field in
Topeka, KS
for May 5&6. This is a pre-registration event and information can be found at
C-Ya at an event,
Mama Sam