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More speed creep

Subject: More speed creep
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 18:08:59 -0500
I think to be a SSS you should be required to finish in the top 10 of your 
class at Nationals (pick a small class, I did), especially if you are a 
member of the SSC.

Without cutting and pasting the posts of Mark and Jay, I agree with both 
of them.  I was at Ft. Worth, I ran in class with the event co-chair who 
is also a SSS, never was there a comment about excess speed or safety 
after final setup.

Everyone speaks to the loss of the small lot, getting larger event sites 
and then they get lost on the concept that with the physical arena the 
event is changed.  I carry my phone in my pocket, when I was a kid we had 
to turn a crank and everyone listened in.

Where's the smiley face?  Look in the mirror.

James Rogerson 
[FP #125] - Techless Racing
"Nails are glue, hypothetically speaking" - Lou Fertile 
"Men that like golf are unhappy at home and incapable of having a 
meaningful relationship with women" - Joseph Heller 
"The people who vote decide nothing. The people who count the vote decide 
     - Josef Stalin. 

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