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Neon head limits?

To: "Evo-Discuss (Group)" <>,
Subject: Neon head limits?
From: "Roger Johnson" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 19:54:37 -0400
  Forgive the cross-post, looking for a quick answer with-
out doing the research myself. . . . . . .

  A young (non-'net) friend has purchased a Neon that
needs a head gasket.  He has asked if the shop manual
allows a clean-up cut on the head, and if there is a limit
specified. (Appendix F, page 257, 'Engine Modifications'
paragraph a.)

Please respond direct - I'm just a digest kind of guy (had to
wait until digest del'y today to see who bit on this year's
LirpaLoof .  .  .  .  .).

Roger (O) Johnson

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