I wouldn't say 2 drivers were a 'severe' disadvanatage... although I agree by
3rd runs it was probably hurting more than helping. But you atleast get 2
SOLID runs in on warm tires, and the third depending on cooling down, may be
HOT... but some think Hot is Good!??The single drivers especially 1st run
group, the first run is a throw away.
See you next week!
In a message dated Tue, 20 Mar 2001 5:35:17 PM Eastern Standard Time, James
Gunn-Wilkinson <jgunn@genoptix.com> writes:
<< Dave,
I think the Co-driver was a huge disadvantage on Sunday. Our tires were
smoking and had almost 20+ runs on them by the last run on Sunday.
I guess it evens out.
James Gunn-Wilkinson
-----Original Message-----
From: SVPViper@aol.com [mailto:SVPViper@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 2:10 PM
To: TeamZ3@aol.com
Cc: autox@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: SS results from San Diego
Those are right for the weekend ending. Top 3 Sunday Times were:
John Ames, 64.65
Stacey Molleker, 64.725
Dave Schotz, 64.738
Co-Drivers had a HUGE impact on Saturday's Time's... and my Cone at the
Start on the my Sat Last run Killed me. The Pro will remove the 2 driver
advantages! ;)
Also, John Ames, Steve Burger, and My Car were only ones running on Stock
Shocks. :D
In a message dated Mon, 19 Mar 2001 11:24:28 PM Eastern Standard Time,
TeamZ3@aol.com writes:
<< Since final results aren't up (???) I'll post what I remember for final
results to end all the calls to my cell phone from people looking for
answers. Top six spots with fast Sunday times as best I can recall:
1st Stacey Molleker, 64.75
2nd Steve Burger, 65.0
3rd James Gunn-Wilkinson, 64.9
4th John Ames, 64.65
5th Mark Sipe, 64.889
6th Kevin Dietz 65.0
41 car class, trophies to 11th place, don't recall the remaining trophy
The top 6 above were all Z06 Corvettes on Hoosier tires.
Mark Sipe