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RE: magnetic numbers

To: "" <>
Subject: RE: magnetic numbers
From: "Paul Foster" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 13:45:12 -0500
Chris Eckles writes:

<<<Gee, this is turning into a long thread. . .  At a recent PCA event in
Atlanta, one guy's numbers kept falling off during the run.  The last time
I ran his numbers back to him, he said that he had used sheets of magnetic
material that ran through his laser or ink jet printer.  Of course, it was
a chilly day, but still - I wouldn't trust the stuff.>>>

I think the 'secret' is to tape down the leading edges so the wind will not
get underneath the magnetic material. PCA Club Racing even allows their use.
I have used them in 8 races and perhaps a dozen DEs and I have not lost one

Paul Foster

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