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Re: How do you guys do it?

Subject: Re: How do you guys do it?
From: Alek Tziortzis <>
Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 09:25:17 -0600 (CST)
Well, I leave thursday night before the pro
from chicago, do the pro in ft. myers,
then on sunday, drive to meridian from the Ft. Myers pro,
leave car and trailer at Steve Volpps house
, drive to Jackson, mississippi monday morning and fly back
to chicago. then friday fly back to Jackson and drive 90 miles
to Meridian.

Actually the worst part of it is getting to meridian
from Ft. Myers. Theres a stretch of road from
alabama to meridian of about 150 miles or so, two
lane highway, lots of deer. Almost hit one last year,
the deer got out of the way just in time


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