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RE: in car cam

To: "Marc Smith" <>, <>
Subject: RE: in car cam
From: "bruce haden" <>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 08:09:46 -0800
Hi all

I have a 94 Impala thatI run in ESP.  I have a sony Hi 8 that I mounted.  I
took the lid off of the center console adn installed a threaded galvinized
flange in  the bottom (which also mounts to the console mounting points on
tranny hump).  I then baught 18" galvinized steel pipe.  On one end i used
fittings to mount the swivel head of a tripod, so I stillhave up/down
adjustenmt.  When I want to use the camera I sccrep the pipe into the
thenm moount the camera.  Take about 5 minutes and only cost 5 bucks  for
and one "donor" tripod, so i would not ruin my good one.  The other nice
is that once you have the flange mounted  Its a perm. mount and mine is easy
to conceal.  I imagine you could drill into the floorboard or hump of the
and do it that way as well

Brilliant idea. And I happen to have a "free" tripod with a bad leg to
use for the donor head.

No matter how many time it happens  there is always something fun about
a video in which cones suddenly start traveling right/left across the
accomapanied with  a four lettered expletive and the howling of tires in

Yeah I've got a couple of those myself!

Marc Smith

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