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Re: Local event fees

To: "Jeff Lloyd" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Local event fees
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 13:17:08 -0600
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Lloyd <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Date: Monday, January 29, 2001 11:27 AM
Subject: RE: Local event fees

>Philly region tried this with limited success in the '00 season, it was not
worth it.  and actually someone did get hurt running to a station on a hot
course I feel it was dangerous,

It may be important to remember that just because you are changing on the
fly, it does not mean you have to rush the change. Take your time. Walk,
don't run. Be aware. The workers wait for a safe time to cross the course.
Maybe they cross only at a designated (controlled) location -- assuming the
course needs to be crossed at all to effect the change. They don't have to
run to the station, just go via a safe route. If it takes 60 seconds to get
there instead of 30, if a couple of more cars have run before he relieves
someone, so what? You have still accomplished your intent.

One key to really making it work, if possible, is two grids, so one grid can
be filling while the other is running. If you have only one grid, it can
take as long to empty it out and re-fill it as it takes to change workers.

Larger heats help put more cars out also. Nationals basically runs 250-car
events each day on each course with just five heats AND allows 15-minute
breaks for coursewalking between heats. That's an hour downtime each day for
coursewalking/worker change, and that event was still done by about 4 pm
each day last year.

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